A Changed Life

Sep 11, 2018 By Hephzibah Stephen

We do not have much information about Matthew even though he is the author of the first and the longest Gospel in the New Testament. We first meet Matthew in Capernaum, in his tax booth on the main highway (Matthew 9:9) collecting taxes. Tax collectors were notoriously corrupt because they extorted far and above what was owed, to ensure their personal profit. Because they were working on behalf of the Roman government, no one dared complain about their deeds. Matthew was named Levi (Mark 2:14) before being called by Jesus. We don't know whether Jesus gave him the name Matthew or whether he changed it himself. It is a shortened of the name Mattathias, which means "gift of Yahweh," or simply "the gift of God."

Matthew displayed one of the most radically changed lives in the Bible in response to the call of Jesus. He did not hesitate; he did not look back. He left behind a life of wealth and security for poverty and uncertainty. He abandoned the pleasures of this world and followed Jesus. Despite his sinful past, Matthew was uniquely qualified to be a disciple. He was an accurate record keeper and a keen observer of people. He captured even the smallest details. Of the four Gospel writers, it was Matthew who presented Jesus to the Jews as the Messiah they were waiting for.

As the saying goes, every saint has a past and every sinner has a future in the Kingdom of God. The only thing we must do is respond to God's call. Our past need not wear us down. Our future is secure in Christ who has redeemed us. Only a changed heart resulting in a changed life is needed and a changed life is the best testimony ever.

My friend, let us realize the need to change. Our hearts have to change from pride to humility; from hatred to love; from un-forgiveness to forgiveness. Let us commit our hearts to the Lord and ask Him to change every wrong attitude and motive so that we can reflect Christ and be a testimony for Him.

Change my heart oh God, make it ever true
Change my heart oh God, may I be like You!

Eddie Espinosa

Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 11th September 2018 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 12th September 2018

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