A Christmas Question!

Dec 03, 2019 By Hephzibah Stephen

Charles Spurgeon was an English Baptist preacher who pastored the New Park Street Chapel in London for 38 years. It seems he preached this message titled 'A Christmas Question' on December 25th 1859, based on the text Isaiah 9:6, "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace". Spurgeon drew their attention to the two words, "unto us" and posed three questions to his congregation on that day:

Is it so?

If it is so, what then?

If it is not so, what then?

Let us also focus on those two words and see what the Lord is teaching us today.

The Bible says, "unto us," a Child is born and "unto us," a Son is given. Jesus is a personal gift to each one of us! Now the question we have to ask ourselves is, 'Is this Christ born into my heart?' Spurgeon says that everyone should answer that question honestly. If the answer to this question is 'yes,' then it means we are saved! Once Jesus becomes our personal Saviour, it leads us to the second question, how do I know that Jesus is my personal Saviour. Spurgeon goes on to answer that question too. He says that we know we are saved when we start hating the sins we have enjoyed till then. We know it when we want to read the Bible out of love rather than out of compulsion. We know it when our only desire is to live a life pleasing to the Lord and not living according to the flesh! That is the yardstick with which we can check our hearts! This brings us to the third question, if Christ is not our personal Saviour, where do we stand? The joy of Christmas is not for the one who is not saved, and there is no hope for us in eternity!

My friend, our Father in heaven, sent His Son to save us and to give us a future. He is waiting for us to return to Him with a repentant heart! He is waiting to forgive us and give us a fresh start. If Jesus is not your Saviour till now, consider, today is the day of salvation!

Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 3rd December 2019 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 4th December 2019

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