Abundant Life!

Aug 11, 2020 By Hephzibah Stephen

The book of Isaiah addresses three different historical periods. Chapters 1-39 address Israel when they were confronting Assyrian invasions during the second half of the 8th century. Chapters 40-55 speak to the discouraged exiles in Babylon. Chapters 56-66 speak to the postexilic community.  These chapters deal with the history of the tragic fall despite the clear warnings given by the Lord through the prophets.  The Lord had told them clearly how they ought to live if they wanted to enjoy His favor.  The Lord had given them laws, decrees, and ordinances and had said what would result if they violated His laws. So what happened to them was the result of their own doing.  The invitation to abundant life found in Isaiah 55 is remarkable because it was addressed to the nation of Judah when they were under the Babylonian captivity. The promised abundant life is possible only when they return to the Lord with a repentant heart.  

The Lord brought the Israelites out of their bondage in Egypt so that they can enjoy their own inheritance, a land flowing with milk and honey! On the threshold of possessing the promised land, Achan coveted Jericho's spoils and lost his inheritance! In our Christian life, we are brought out of our bondage to sin so that we might enjoy the abundant life promised by our Lord, who made it possible through His blood.  The wilderness is never God's permanent destination for us.  But just as an entire generation of Israel died in the wilderness, so many Christians die in the desert dryness of spiritual experience, never walking in the fullness of what God has ordained for them.  Abundant life is life filled with peace that this world cannot give.  Abundant life is life filled with joy, which this world cannot take away. Abundant life is when we look at our problems through God's eyes, for it helps us to wait patiently with faith and hope.  The Lord has promised that He will make all things beautiful in its time.

My friend, we might be where we are because of our sins and transgressions.  The Lord is a merciful God and will abundantly pardon us when we call upon Him. Let us seek Him while He may be found and call upon Him while He is near! ( Isaiah 55:6,7).  

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