Have you ever wondered how God called David to be ‘the man after His own heart’? (1 Sam 13:14; Acts 13:22). Did he not commit adultery with Bathsheba? By the time of his adultery with Bathsheba, he had six wives (2 Sam 3:2-5), seven if you include Michal, daughter of Saul! Every time I think of it, I am amazed! When Nathan confronted David with his sin, David sincerely repented for he later declares in 2 Samuel 22:22,23, “For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God. For all His judgments were before me; and as for His statutes, I did not depart from them.” God honors sincere repentance!
Ahithophel was known to be the wisest in the court of King David. When Ahithophel gave advice, they said it was just as if God spoke (2 Samuel 16:23). Ahithophel had served David with honor and distinction. Then came the problem with his granddaughter, Bathsheba. David took advantage of her, had her husband killed, and married her. What a blow it was to Ahithophel to learn of David’s betrayal of him and his family. The grandfather Ahithophel felt something was taken from Bathsheba, something that could never be replaced. The subsequent story of David's repentance must have only hardened Ahithophel's heart. Ahithophel could not forgive David. So, when Ahithophel saw Absalom rebel against his father, he joined with the traitor and went against David. When Ahithophel counseled Absalom to violate David’s women, he was taking revenge in his own way! But where did it lead him, not to glory but to suicide (2 Sam 17:23)!
We have been wronged grievously by so many people in life and more grievously by some very close to us. But if we are going to let unforgiveness take control, then it will only hurt us! God forgives even the vilest sinner. As the saying goes, every sinner has a future (in Christ), and every saint has a past (covered by the blood of Christ)! Remember, if the person who has sinned against you has turned to God in repentance, he has already been forgiven!
My friend, remember God is watching you and me to see if we have forgiven that person so that He can forgive us for the Bible says in Mt 6:12 that our sins will be forgiven to us, “… as we forgive those who sin against us.” Let us today surrender our bitter feelings and unforgiveness at the Cross of Christ and be blessed!
Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 25th February 2020 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 26th February 2020