Are you available?

Jul 25, 2017 By Hephzibah Stephen

An artist picked up his brush and painted a beautiful painting. As he stood admiring his painting, the brush from his hand spoke up saying, “Painter, without me you could not have produced such a beautiful painting”. When the painter heard this, he threw that brush down and picked up a piece of charcoal using which he produced an even more magnificent painting! As he stepped back to admire it, the charcoal spoke up and said, “Dear painter, I must thank you for using me to produce this masterpiece. I have no talent of my own but I thank you for using even me.”

I heard this story from brother Augustin Asir of Word for the World ministries and it made a great impact on my heart!

We see Mordecai reminding Esther of the sovereignty of the God of Israel saying, “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14).

It is not that God would fail in His mission to save the Jews if Esther had not stepped up to help. God is almighty and all powerful. He can raise help from anywhere and through anyone. It would have been only Esther’s loss if she had chosen to be silent at that time of need.

Sometimes when we are active in ministry, we think we are doing God a favour by being involved. We think without us that ministry will fail. We think the success of the ministry completely rests on us! How can anybody be so ignorant! God is not anybody’s debtor.

What we have to remember is that it is an honour to be used by God.

We may be just a piece of charcoal but all we have to do is be available. God can do great things even through us if we submit to His will.

My friend, the question we have to answer today is are we available to be used by God unconditionally? May God alone be glorified in and through our lives!

Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 26th July 2017 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 26th July 2017

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