During our recent trip to the US, God gave us the opportunity of listening to Pastor Chuck Swindoll at the Stonebriar Community Church, Frisco. As Pastor spoke about the trials of Jesus, he brought alive the scene of that last trial from Barabbas’ perspective to our minds!
Jesus faced altogether three Jewish trials and three Roman trials. All the Jewish trials condemned Jesus with charges of blasphemy while all the Roman trials found Him innocent. But finally, Pilot asked the Jews who had gathered to choose whom they wanted to be released, Jesus or Barabbas!
Barabbas must have been locked up in a cell close to where all this was happening. He must have been straining his ears to listen in that commotion. While Barabbas could not have heard Pilot’s voice asking the Jews whom they wanted to be released, he would have surely heard the mob shouting, “Barabbas”. While Barabbas could not have heard Pilot asking the people what he should do with Jesus, he would have surely heard the people shouting “crucify him”! Imagine then, how his heart would have been pounding when he heard the metal boots clanking toward his cell! It was a moment of sure death!
That day, truly, Jesus took Barabbas’ place on that Cross. Barabbas must have been amazed at his narrow escape. Every time I meditate on the Cross and the events surrounding it, I am amazed too, that a sinner like me can go scot free because Jesus went to that Cross in my place. It is a very humbling thought!
It is also a very scary thought for me for this freedom brings along an awesome responsibility. Because Jesus took my place, I have to be careful how I live this God-given life. Because I have been forgiven much, I am called to forgive all those who have wronged me. Because Jesus has shown me mercy, I am called to show mercy. Because Jesus has shown me love, I am called to love even my enemies!
The question I then struggle with is, “Am I living up to that responsibility?”
My friend, in this Lenten season, let us once again look at the Cross and truly appreciate the fact that Christ died in our place! I pray that this will really change our thoughts and the way we live!
Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 5th March 2018 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 7th March 2018Leave a comment
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