Celebrating Christmas!

Nov 29, 2022 By Hephzibah Stephen

Advent means arrival or visit.  Advent reminds us of the birth of Jesus around 2,000 years ago and points to the second coming of Christ.  Advent is a time of joy and celebration!  For some, it is about wreaths, candles, and Christmas trees.  For some, it is about buying grand new dresses and decorating their homes.  It is about baking, making savories, and planning big parties for some.  For some, it is about singing carols and attending carol services.  Christmas has become more about greed, consumerism, and personal enjoyment!  If Advent points to the second coming of Christ, how should we celebrate Christmas?  That is the question we have to answer today!

I got this meaningful forward through WAP!  It was written by someone who knew of a very generous person.  It seems that person was always giving and offering to pay for everything.  The writer thought that he must have been wealthy.  That person was not rich but just generous!  His life overflowed with thankfulness for God's grace.  The grace he had received at the Cross had opened his heart and wallet in a way that inspired all who knew him.  The writer called it 'the 3G connection' and had grace, gratitude, and generosity closely connected!  

Jesus came into this world two thousand years ago to go to the Cross for you and me.  Jesus paid the price for our sins so that we could receive salvation and inherit eternal life.  The grace we have received at the Cross should transform our hearts and minds so much that our life should be a reflection and an out-pouring of that grace!  Christmas is not about new dresses or decorations.  It is about realizing the gift we have received at the Cross.  It is about preparing our hearts and minds for the second coming of Jesus as King!  Just as every prophecy regarding the birth of Jesus was fulfilled when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, all the prophecies regarding His second coming will also be fulfilled.  The Bible says, "This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven"  Acts 1:11)

My friend, living in anticipation of the glorious second coming of Christ is our challenge today.  Let our lives reflect the grace we have received at the Cross and transform us into vessels useful for the Lord!

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