Do this in remembrance of Me!

May 12, 2020 By Hephzibah Stephen

Evangelist Arputharaj Margoschis retired as the headmaster of Caldwell School in Thoothukudi. It seems he had a dream one day. In that dream, he saw the Lord Jesus hanging on the Cross and a young man shaking the Cross again and again. It made Jesus cry out in pain. In the dream, brother Arputharaj was anguished and cried out, saying, 'who is this man Lord, who is making you go through so much pain again and again?'  He heard a clear voice saying, 'You are that man.' He was shattered and realized every time he committed a sin, he was hurting Jesus again and again.  It was he who wrote this beautiful song which I love dearly, and sadly there is no English translation for it.

சிலுவை நாதர் இயேசுவின் பேரொளி வீசிடும் தூய கண்கள்

என்னை நோக்கி பார்க்கின்றன தம் காயங்களை பார்க்கின்றன

என் கையால் பாவங்கள் செய்திட்டால் தம் கையின் காயங்கள் பார்க்கின்றாரே

தீய வழியில் என் கால்கள் சென்றால் தம் காலின் காயங்கள் பார்க்கின்றாரே.

தீட்டுள்ள எண்ணம் என் இதயம் கொண்டால் ஈட்டி பாய்ந்த நெஞ்சை நோக்குகின்றார்

வீண்பெருமை என்னில் இடம்பெற்றால் முள்முடி பார்த்திட ஏங்குகின்றார்.

If we remember that we are nailing Jesus again on that Cross every time we sin, we cannot continue to live in sin.  When people partake of communion without repentance,  they go back to the same life and the same sin, day after day, hurting Jesus again and again.  When Jesus instituted the last supper, Jesus did not ask us to remember the cup that was shared or the bread that was broken.  The Bible says in Luke 22:17-19, "Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, "Take this and divide it among yourselves; …...  And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me."  When we take part in the Eucharist, the wine symbolizes the shed blood of Christ, and the bread symbolizes the broken body of Christ.  Jesus wanted us to remember Him, His sacrifice, and His substitutionary death on the Cross when He said, "do this in remembrance of Me."  If we genuinely remember Him,  we cannot live in sin!

My friend, one cup or many small cups, one bread or many small wafers, it does not matter.  What matters is a sincere heart of repentance.  We have to remember His sacrifice every time a sinful desire takes hold! Only then can we live a life acceptable to God!

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