God who is near!
Bible Reading: Psalm 34:11-19
The heavenly vision that Isaiah received is very different from the vision received by Ezekiel. We read about Isaiah's vision in Isaiah chapter 6 and about Ezekiel's vision in Ezekiel chapter 1.
In the year King Uzziah died, Isaiah saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the Temple! In his vision, Ezekiel saw the Lord's glory on wheels. This is very significant because until now, every vision of God's throne has been fixed in the Temple in Jerusalem!
Ezekiel himself was far away, by the river Chebar in Babylon! This vision must have been very encouraging for the captives living thousands of miles away from Jerusalem!
God's throne was mobile, and it could even move to Babylon. And that, too, the wheels had eyes all around them, which meant God could see everything everywhere, including the exiles in Babylon! God told Jeremiah that He is a God who is near and far. No one can be hidden from His sight (Jeremiah 23:23). All seeing and all knowing God!
What a beautiful thought! No wonder Ezekiel was so overwhelmed that he fell down!
This is an important attribute of God!
Hanani, the seer, told King Asa, "For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him" (2 Chronicles 16:9). The Psalmist assures us in Psalm 34:15, "The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry." Proverbs 15:3 says, "The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good."
Sometimes, when we struggle in life, we may think God is not seeing our suffering or may seem far away. But it is not so. Even when the exiles were far away in Babylon, God saw their tears!
The important thing is a heart loyal to Him, washed by the blood of Jesus, and righteous in the sight of God. Where we are, and our predicament in life is not hidden in the sight of God. God sees every tear and every sigh.
The question we have to answer today is whether my heart is loyal to the God who gave me His life as a ransom.
My friend, let us not give ourselves to worldly desires and serve the idols of our hearts. When we pursue holiness and live a life set apart for God, be assured that God will show Himself strong on our behalf.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to seek You with singleness of heart and purpose. You are a God who sees me. Amen.
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