If that isn’t Love…

Mar 28, 2023 By Hephzibah Stephen

Our choirmaster, Emmanuel Ponraj (The Redeemer's Church, Anna Nagar, Chennai), has selected an excellent song for our Passion song service.  The song 'If that isn't love' was composed and set to music by Dottie Rambo (1934-2008).  Every time I sing this song in our practice sessions, it tears my eyes; to think of the love Jesus had for me to endure the agony of the Cross is overwhelming!  This song talks about the love Jesus has for us, which made Him leave His place in heaven, to die on the Cross.  Jesus even remembered the thief hanging beside Him.  Jesus was obedient to the Father to the point of sacrificing His life.  Philippians 2:8 says, "He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death—even to death on a Cross." That obedience and that sacrifice have brought salvation for us.  Without His sacrifice, you and I cannot go to heaven!

Sometimes we forget how difficult it was for Jesus to be obedient.  It was not easy for Him to lay down His life!  Before He laid down His life on the Cross, Jesus prayed that the Father might provide another way rather than the way of the Cross but submitted to the will of the Father.  The Bible says He began to pray, saying, "Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done." (Luke 22:41-42).  It is not that Jesus went to the Cross a long time ago.  The truth is, every single sin we commit today drives another nail into the body of Christ!   If we can feel the pain we inflict on Jesus through our thoughts and transgressions, I am sure we cannot continue in a life of sin!  We cannot be immoral, ungrateful, unloving, unreasonable, unforgiving, untruthful, stingy, and proud!

He left the splendor of heaven, knowing His destiny

Was the lonely hill of Golgotha, there to lay down His life for me.

If that isn't love, the ocean is dry

There's no stars in the sky and the sparrow can't fly.

If that isn't love, then heaven's a myth

There's no feeling like this, if that isn't love.

                        In spite of my stubbornness, He called me and said, 'I'm waiting'

On the Cross He gave up His life, for a worthless sinner like me!                                                                                                Dottie Rambo

My friend, do not take the sacrifice of Jesus lightly.  Let us dedicate to live a life of holiness, remembering the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross every day as long as we live!  May the Lord be our helper.

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