In His Steps!
In India, there is a story about a man who went on a Tiger hunt. He was following the tracks of a Tiger from a watering hole into the forest. Suddenly, there was a mix of tracks as the tracks of a Hyena crossed the Tiger's tracks. He got confused and started following the hyena's tracks, thinking they were the tigers! After some time, more tracks crossed his path, and he started following some bright and bold track, which led him to a rat hole! அதுதான், 'புலி பிடிக்க போய் எலி பிடித்த கதை'! New believers who come to know Christ through someone's ministry try to follow that person, thinking they are following Christ! That way, they fall away like the seeds that fell on rocky soil after a while. The question we have to answer today is why we should follow Jesus in His footsteps!
Firstly, we have to know who we are following. Unless a person is rooted and built on the Word, they cannot know Christ. Many start out well but when some Pastor, Preacher or a miracle worker crosses their path, they start following them instead of the Christ who died for them. Secondly, we have not walked this way before and we do not know what tomorrow holds or the pitfalls and dangers in the path. Our life is a gift to be lived only one day at a time! When the Lord led the Israelites in the wilderness for forty years, He went before them day and night, until He brought them in to the land of the promise, land flowing with milk and honey. Even in the wilderness, that multitude did not lack any good thing. When we make plans and run ahead of God, we always land in the wrong place. That brings us to the third point. Thirdly, if we want to go where Jesus is, we have to walk in His steps. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6). That is why walking in His steps is important. When we can see His footprints clearly, following is easy. But many times, the way is not very clear. Our problems and worries make the footsteps appear dim and hazy. That is why the Bible exhorts us to learn to walk by faith, trusting that God is working for our good even when our life is hard, even through our trials and tears (Jeremiah 29:11). When we say we have to suffer for Christ or carry the Cross, people only think of being beaten up in the mission field. We never connect the words of Christ to our living for Jesus, day after day. That is why our lives lack testimony and power.
My friend, Jesus does not stop with the invitation to walk in His steps; He also enables those who so desire to follow His footsteps! So do not be discouraged. He who has called us is faithful. He will never leave us but will always go before us. May the Lord quicken our spirit to follow His steps diligently, knowing He is always with us, guiding our every step so we can be with Him in eternity!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to trust You even through the tough times. Help me stay focused on Your steps so I will not go astray. Amen.
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