In His Time!
Last month when we visited a jeweler's shop to poke the ears of our second granddaughter, I used the opportunity to mend a small piece of jewelry. After mending it, when I mentioned that I needed an ‘S' hook instead of the ‘U' hook that was already there, the jeweler offered to help. All he did was take the ‘U' hook and heat it with the blow torch. When it was really hot, he fashioned it into an ‘S' hook with great ease! It was really beautiful to watch him in action! As the gold was heated, it was very pliant in his hand. It did not give any resistance. So, instead of getting broken, it was shaped into a form that became useful! A refiner's fire not only cleanses us but it also molds us!
God allows some troubles in our life. It is not because He enjoys our suffering. He actually cries with us, comforts us and carries us through it all! God chastises us so that we can be used by Him! It is hard for us when we walk through the valley of tears. It is hard when we face unanswered prayers. It is hard when we are unloved and criticized by our near and dear ones. But it means God has not given up on us! It means God is still working on us. It means God is molding us into useful vessels for Him so that we can bring Him glory through our lives! I have always been encouraged by this thought!
My friend, when we look at our problems, it is overwhelming no doubt. But we have to remember that God has everything in His control. His eye is on even the sparrow. Matthew 10:29 says that not even a sparrow can die apart from God's will. There is nothing that God cannot handle. There is nothing He cannot fix. So, let us yield ourselves to the Lord and wait for His time for the Bible says, "He has made everything beautiful in its time" (Eccl 3:11).
When God is doing some rearranging in your life, don't fight it. Yield to the Lord, and let Him work. The result will be beautiful. (Received by WhatsApp).
Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 7th August 2018 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 8th August 2018Leave a comment
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