Jesus, did You see that?

Feb 19, 2025 By Hephzibah Stephen

A friend of mine shared this story in our BSF class.  Her grandniece, who was just four years old at that time, was given an opportunity to dance on the stage at a school function.  After she finished her dance, she had come down the steps, looked up at the heavens, and said, 'Jesus, did you see that?' Jesus must have been very proud of His little daughter doing her best that day!


In her own childish way, she had understood that Jesus was watching over her and that what she did was important to Him.  My friend was amazed at the child's understanding of God!  No wonder Jesus said, unless we become as little children, we will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3)!


This gives us a new perspective on life, and there lies our lesson today!


We may be working as missionaries, teachers, engineers, doctors, cooks, or helpers here on earth to put food on the table and pay the bills.   Whatever be the nature of our work, our primary accountability is to God, so our motivation should be to please God in everything we do.  This God-centeredness can only flow from a heart that has been renewed by the Spirit of God.  Our natural tendency is not to seek God's glory, but this begins to change when we come to Christ in faith.


It is not just about diligence but the mindset behind our work.  Working with this understanding will give us a greater sense of purpose and dedication to God, whether at home, in the workplace, or our community.  We should approach every task with devotion and excellence as if working directly for God. 


Paul says that  we will receive the reward from the Lord Himself and the one who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is no partiality (Colossians 24-25).


Everything we do receives meaning only with reference to the Lord!  Without Him, everything is meaningless! In fact, this is the main point of the book of Ecclesiastes.  Whenever we try to find meaning in life apart from the Lord, the only conclusion we can come to is that all is vanity!  (Ecclesiastes 12:8) 


My friend, all that we do must lead to God's praise, God's glory, and God's honor!  That is the reason for our existence!


Prayer:  Lord Jesus, help me understand this perspective so that I can be focused on bringing You glory in all I do daily.  Amen.


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