Job’s Complaint

Jul 31, 2018 By Hephzibah Stephen

The book of Job is the oldest book in the Bible. It records some troubling questions and terrifying doubts. Job practically lost everything almost overnight. The common thinking about suffering is that a person’s suffering is always the result of his or her personal sin. So, the more one has sinned, the greater he or she is expected to suffer. If we base Job’s suffering upon this thought, then Job must have sinned gravely! But we see God Himself testifying about him saying, “there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil”(Job 1:8).

While we go through trials and times of suffering, when we walk through the valley of tears, we are often overwhelmed by self-pity! It makes us question the very purpose of our existence. Job too had many questions and complaints. He complained that he was born. He complained that even though he was calling on God, God was not answering (32:8-11, 32:14). He complained that he was innocent but God was still punishing him (34:5,6). Job was certain that he had committed no sin that deserved this degree of punishment. Then the argument automatically turns toward God! If Job’s suffering is not the result of his own sin, then the fault must lie with God. That means God is not administering justice fairly in this world for the tents of robbers seem to prosper while the innocent people are subjected to calamities!

Extraordinary suffering is not always the punishment for extraordinary sins. Sometimes they are periods of extraordinary grace! Sometimes the words, “Only we are suffering like this” escape my lips. But my husband will always say, “Don’t say like that. It could have been worse”. If we really think about our past, we can easily see that we do not get the punishment we deserve for our sins for the Lord is merciful!

My friend, never give up hope. Our trials should always point us to God; never take us away from God. In our times of suffering, when we turn to God, God will strengthen us; He will sustain us and He will walk with us. This has been my life experience. God has a plan for each one of us even though we may never understand His reasons. God is always just. Only we cannot understand His justice!

Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 31st July 2018 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 1st August 2018

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