Kicking against the Goads!
"It is hard for you to kick against the goads” (Acts 9:5). What exactly does that phrase mean? It is not something we often hear in our day-to-day conversation! The ox-goad is a long pole or stick with a pointed piece of iron fastened to one end. The ox is gently prodded and steered in the desired direction using this. When a stubborn ox attempts to kick back against the goad, it will feel more pain because it will drive the pointed end deeper into its flesh. Saul was by birth a Jew, by citizenship a Roman, and by education a Greek. Jesus likened this proud Pharisee Saul to an ox! However, when you consider this for a moment, I feel the comparison to an ox was a greater insult to the ox! Oxen did what God created them to do. In all of creation, man is the only creature who refuses to submit to the revealed will of his Creator.
When I was young, I did not quite understand this concept. As I experienced the love of Christ more and more, I was able to understand this from the right perspective. Sometimes teenagers want to punish their parents by indulging in wrong activities. They think that they are punishing their parents when they disobey. They do not want to give up their bad associations just because their parents want them to. If you think deeply, every one of their actions will only hurt them more! When Paul was harassing the Christians, he was hurting himself more than hurting the Lord Jesus! It is the rebellious spirit in every human heart. Not just the teenagers, we too have our area of rebellion in our hearts. Even though we know we ought to give tithe, many do not! Even though we know bad associations are to be abhorred, we do not let go because we enjoy them! Even though we know we have to practice holiness, we still entertain hateful and unforgiving thoughts! Even though we know that we have to give first place to God in every way, we do not. By continuing to be rebellious, we are only hurting ourselves!My friend, where has God been applying His ox-goad to your life? Unless we repent and return from our rebellious ways, God cannot heal our nation. May the Lord help us break our rebellious spirit.
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