Lessons from the Unjust Steward
Bible Reading: Luke 16:1-13
I have always been intrigued by the parable of the unjust Steward found in Luke chapter 16. Some consider this one of Jesus’ most difficult parables because Jesus used a dishonest man as an example for His disciples. Yet God sometimes uses evil things that are familiar to us to illustrate a particular point without praising the thing itself. The dishonest Steward was an excellent example in several ways. Only then did I realize I was asking the wrong question! I was asking why Jesus commended the unjust Steward. But what we should ask is, for what did Jesus commend him? When the Steward knew his game was up, firstly, he acted. Secondly, he used his current position to safeguard his future. Those are the lessons we have to learn today.
Sometimes we behave as though nothing can touch us just like the rich man in the parable in Luke 12. When he enjoyed a bountiful harvest, he said , “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry.” But Jesus called him a fool and said if he died that night who will enjoy the harvest. In Luke 12:21 Jesus observed that by hoarding his riches, he was not rich toward God. ‘Give an account of your stewardship’ are words all of us will hear one day. We would be required to give account to God regarding our time, talents, and the money we have enjoyed in addition to our words and motives. We will not know when that would be and we should take the call seriously. We should set our lives right immediately. We can be rich toward God only by sharing what God has given us with the poor and the needy, the widows and the orphans. That way we shall become ready for eternity. Instead of doing good with our worldly blessings, if we make them to fuel our lusts and luxury we shall certainly perish eternally! This coming judgment should urge us to act now, to reassess our priorities and use our blessings for the greater good.
My friend, let us today take this as a wake-up call and take suitable actions to become rich toward God! God is a just God who will judge us according to our works (Revelation 20:12-21:8), and our works will follow us (Revelation 14:13) . Let us get ready for the coming judgment (Hebrews 9:27) so that we can hear the words of Jesus: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for this wake-up call. Help me to reorder my priorities in such a way that I will be rich toward You and live in a way that pleases You. Amen.
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