Life-Changing words!
The Bible says in Proverbs 25:11, "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." The Lord God created the heavens and the earth through the spoken word. Words have power! Words can surely change our life. Two words that change our lives forever are 'I do.' Three words we always long to hear are 'I love you.' Three words that changed our lives forever and changed the history of mankind are "It is finished" (John 19:30). This phrase was only one word in the original text, 'tetelestai'. Bible scholars say that this word was also written on business documents or receipts in New Testament times to indicate paying in full. The connection between receipts and what Christ accomplished must have been clear to Greek-speaking people of Jesus' time. Jesus Christ had died to pay for your sins and mine! The three small words gave birth to new life!
What does this mean to you and me today?
God's ultimate love has been proved beyond any doubt. We cannot escape the wrath of God except by the blood Jesus shed on the Cross. Jesus took the punishment for our sins on Himself and paid it off fully! We now know the depth, breadth, length, and height of God's love for us.
The Depth - He reached down to us when we could not come up to Him.
The Breadth - He loved us so much that He offered life to all who believe.
The Length - He suffered and carried all our sins on the Cross.
The Height – Being atoned by His blood is the only way we can be in heaven.
Jesus paid for our transgressions, so there is now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus(Rom 8:1). The past and the present sins are forgiven. They are removed as far as the east is from the west and buried in the deepest sea. Oh, what a joy to know that we are free from guilt!
My friend, the war is over, and the victory has been won on that Cross! Let us not allow the devil to keep us bound. In Christ, our sins are forgiven, for He paid for it in full! This means we are free to live a life of witness every day! This means we are free to live a life of victory over sin and self every day!
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