Creation of Man is the crown of the creation story. After God created the environment suitable for Man, God created Adam in His own image. Then God saw that Adam was lonely and created Eve as a suitable helper to him, also in His own image. In that first marriage, we see God the Father bringing Eve to Adam, and Adam realizing the significance of this great gift, breaks into song! Adam said Eve was now bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh! Jesus said, "For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh" (Matthew 19:5). God expected the husband and wife to be one-flesh but what does it mean to be one-flesh?
Being one flesh is not about sexual intimacy at all. I believe it is more about the emotional bond. It means what hurts one would hurt the other, and what makes one happy would make the other happy, and so on. Each should encourage the other to reach their full potential and not be an obstacle in their life. Thus the bond is more emotional rather than physical. People from different families developing such a bond takes much time and commitment, but it is important that we work towards such a union because that is God's intent in marriage. I have seen many couples living separate lives even within the same house. Over a period of time, many incidences contribute to such attitudes, but such a married life does not please the Lord.
My friend, many years may have passed without oneness of mind, but it is better late than never. Today I pray that every husband and wife would sit in the Presence of God, discuss their differences, confess their sins, and restore their marriage with the help of the Holy Spirit. God instituted marriage, and the devil planned to wreck it. A restored marriage breaks the bonds in the children's lives and blesses them. A restored marriage removes the foothold for the devil. May the love of Christ bind us and rule our hearts.
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