Master the Tempest is raging…

Jul 03, 2018 By Hephzibah Stephen

My father was transferred from Neyveli and we came to Chennai in April 1971. At that time, choirmaster uncle Arthur Muthiah used to have the choir practices in his home in Shenoy Nagar. One of the first songs we sang there was the song "Master, the tempest is raging! The billows are tossing high!" written by Mary A. Baker. It really spoke to our hearts and encouraged us! Many times, our calm and peaceful existence is thrown out of gear by some news. It can be a call from the doctor's office, loss of a loved one or even loss of a job can throw us into a raging storm!

We read about this incident in Mark 4: 37-39. We see that it was Jesus who said, "Let us cross over to the other side." Their journey was initiated by the Lord Himself. Christ was present in the boat. And the passengers were the disciples of Jesus Himself. We may think that a journey taken at the will of God, by His followers will be uneventful, especially when Jesus Himself was present in the boat. But the Bible tells us that a great windstorm arose strong enough to fill the boat! Even the seasoned fishermen were afraid.

The reality is no one is exempt from the storms of life. In this life, we will have many trials and sorrows. We will face opposition. We will face adversity. We will face persecution even from within our family. While we may not understand why God allows trials to enter our lives, we are called to thank Him because through our trials we can come to know who God is! We see Jesus' own disciples saying, "And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, "Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!" (Mark 4:41). They were amazed at the power of Jesus when He calmed the storm.

My friend, we live to serve Him because He has preserved our lives. Do not be disheartened and dismayed by the trials! Our God is with us in and through it and is able to guide us all the way!

Master, the terror is over, the elements sweetly rest; Earth's sun in the calm lake is mirrored, and heaven is within my breast; Linger, O blessed Redeemer! leave me alone no more; And with joy, I shall make the blest harbor, and rest on the blissful shore.

Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 3rd July 2018 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 4th July 2018

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