Meeting Jesus!

Dec 06, 2022 By Hephzibah Stephen

Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord according to the law of Moses.  There they met Simeon, a godly man.  Simeon had a gracious promise made to him that he would see the Messiah before he died.  The Bible says Simeon was just and devout and the Holy Spirit was upon him (Luke 2:25-35).  He was known for his piety and communion with God.  We read of another person who blessed Jesus that day.  It was Anna, the daughter of Phanuel (Luke 2:36-38).  The Bible says this godly woman served God with total devotion.  Anna's close walk with God was shown by her love for Jesus.  The Bible says in Verse 38 that "…  in that instant, she gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of Him to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem".  She was well advanced in years but had not lost hope of seeing the 'Consolation of Israel.'  

Simeon and Anna witnessed the Scripture fulfilled with joy and gladness.  Their long wait for the Messiah ended that day.  There were many prophecies about the birth of Jesus.  Even the Jews who were well versed in the Scripture did not long to receive Jesus.  How Simeon and Anna waited for Jesus teaches us how we should wait for Jesus and His second coming.  Simeon and Anna both believed in the Scriptures.  Simeon was quick to obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  Anna was a woman of worship and a woman of prayer!  She did not depart from the temple but served God with fasting and prayers night and day.  Simeon and Anna were both devout and served God.  For them meeting Jesus was a blessed event! Every Christmas, we move a little closer to the second coming of Jesus.  We are now living in a period of Grace, and this is the time given by God to correct ourselves, change our priorities, and commit ourselves to live for Jesus so that our meeting would be a joyous occasion.

My friend, Jesus, is coming again.  For that meeting to be filled with joy and peace depends on how we live our lives while waiting for His second coming.  Jesus explained this using the parable of two servants (Matthew 24:45-51).  We must be like that faithful and wise servant, constantly anticipating Jesus' return and taking care of His business until the Lord's return!  Then it would be a joyous meeting!

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