Micah’s Message
The book of Micah centers on the threat of the Assyrian invasions that began in around 730 BC against the northern kingdom. The people who thought that they cannot be touched because they were the chosen people of God, were disheartened. They turned to the Lord and kind of blaming Him for their miseries! Micah pictures a court of law (Chapter 6), with Israel "on trial" before the Lord in the presence of unshakable witnesses, the mountains and the hills and the strong foundations of the earth.
In the subsequent verses, we see God stating His case. God brings to their mind how He had redeemed them from Egypt. Not only did God not do evil to Israel, but He also did them an enormous amount of good. He redeemed them and gave them godly leaders. Even when King Balak of Moab got Balaam to prophesy and curse Israel, God prevented it (Numbers 22). But eventually, Israel was cursed because of their own sin- idolatry and sexual immorality. God could never be persuaded to curse Israel. Like a great lawyer in court, God shows Israel that if they feel cursed in any way, it is entirely their responsibility and the result of their own sinful choices!
We read the sarcastic answer of the people in Mic 6:6-7. The people ask God, “With what shall I come before the LORD?” This is a question asked out of bitterness and resentment. Israel calls out to God from the witness stand, and says: "Just what do You want from me?" They even go to the extent of asking if God wanted their children to be sacrificed. But God’s answer is very simple. “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”(Micah 6:8). What God required of the people of Israel was not mysterious or too difficult - they simply did not do it. It is amazing to see how the Bible is a practical book guiding our everyday life!
My friend, even today, God’s requirement of Christian living and personal holiness are not hidden from us. It is plainly given in the Bible. Let us pray and ask God to give us a heart that loves justice and mercy and is filled with a desire to walk with Him in true humility.
Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 11th July 2018 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 11th July 2018Leave a comment
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