Never give up!
This phrase has been immortalized by Winston Churchill. But there is a lesson for us to learn!
I am always amazed at the persistence of the Syro-Phoenician woman. We read about her in Mark 7:24-30 and Matthew 15:21-28. This gentile woman had a great need. Her daughter was severely demon possessed. She must have known that Jesus had healed Gentiles before (Matthew 4:24-25; 8:5-13). This Gentile woman also understood who Jesus was. Many of Jesus' own countrymen did not know who Jesus was, but this woman of Canaan knew Jesus as ‘Son of David' and addressed Him as ‘Lord.' So, when she heard that Jesus was in the region of Tyre and Sidon, she decided to seek His help.
The meeting itself was very extraordinary. Though the mother interceded for her daughter, Jesus did not immediately give her an encouraging reply. His silence drew a more faith-filled response from her. When Jesus said that He came to seek the lost sheep of Israel, it did not drive her away from Jesus. But the Bible says in Matthew 15:25, "Then she came and worshipped Him saying, 'Lord, help me!'"Jesus did not stop there. He also said that it is not right for Him to take what is kept for the children and give it to the dogs. Again, this woman came up with a response saying that even the dogs eat the crumbs from the Children's table. The Bible tells us that Jesus appreciated her faith and her daughter was healed at that very hour!
It is always those with the greatest need who seek Jesus. Maybe, God allows trials in our life because of that. Jesus wanted to heal her right from the start, but He put her off to draw her faith out. Jesus made her as an example of faith and persistence for the disciples and the people around! We read two faith-filled words: "Yet even"(Mt 15:27). She accepted her position as a Gentile but asked for mercy despite it. She did not give up, and she asked like Jacob, "I will not let You go unless You bless me"(Gen 32:26).
My friend, when we go through trials, the people around us may say that it is because of our sins and that we deserve it. People may say that we do not deserve to be helped. But never give up. Go to the throne of Grace and plead with confidence, ‘Lord, help me! Lord, have mercy upon me!' Jesus will answer!
Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 15th January 2019 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 16th January 2019Leave a comment
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