No Room!
In a Sunday School, the teacher practiced the Nativity play with small children. A little girl was the Star, and she was excited. Some little boys were shepherds, and three tall ones were the wise men from the East. One little girl became Mary, and of course, a little boy stood by her side as Joseph. One little boy was the Inn Keeper. The teacher had given one small line each to tell the events around the birth of Jesus! The little Innkeeper had to say, "There is no room in my Inn," when Mary and Joseph approached him. They practiced many times, and it was perfect. Finally, the day came, and the children started their play. When the time came for the Inn keeper's line, the boy said, "Oh! Yes, there is room in my Inn. Please come in." The teacher was shocked. After everything was over, the teacher asked that little Innkeeper why he said what he said. His answer surprised the teacher. The little boy said, " I don't know what came upon me, Miss Evelyn. At that moment, I could not say 'no' to my Lord Jesus."
When the long-awaited Messiah came to Bethlehem, there was no room for Him. He had to be born in a stable and laid in a manger. This is not the way you would expect the Savior of the world to begin His life. The Messiah, the nation of Israel was longing for, had arrived, but they had no room for Him or no place for Him. What about today? Is it any different? Today is an opportunity to reflect upon that. Is Christ the center of our Christmas celebrations? Do our celebrations include the poor and the needy around us? Does our heart ache for people who are outside the kingdom of God? Do our activities reflect the mission that Jesus gave to His church? Some of us do not like questions, but some questions bring out what is in our hearts. We have to find answers to them at one time or another.
My friend, ask the difficult questions and find out what Christ means to you today. Do you have room for Jesus in your personal life, your social life, your financial life? Remember, if there is no room for Jesus in our life now, there will be no room for us in heaven!
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