Not the Messenger!
Trait theory of leadership identifies specific personality traits that distinguish leaders from non-leaders. It says that leaders are born and not made! Looking at it differently, leaders are actually 'made' by the people who follow them! Be it cinema, politics, or religion, leaders rise to great heights because people put them there, on a pedestal as it were! When Paul wrote to the Corinthian church, it was divided based on different leaders. One group identified itself with the apostle Paul. They may have been attracted by Paul's emphasis on his ministry to the Gentiles. A second group identified itself with Apollos. They may have been attracted because of his eloquent speaking abilities (Acts 18:24-28). A third group identified itself with Cephas (Peter). This group may have been mostly of Jewish background. Paul does not commend any of the groups. Paul uses three rhetorical questions, each expecting a negative response, to show the absurdity of the Corinthian divisions. "Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? (1 Cor. 1:13)". The Corinthians had begun to identify themselves with the men who had preached and performed the baptisms rather than with Jesus Himself!
We may like to write off this problem, attributing it to the immature Corinthians, if it were not for the fact that the tendency to exalt dynamic leaders is prevalent even today. Witty, engaging Christian speakers and vibrant, charismatic spiritual leaders still have the power to mesmerize and motivate believers today. The followers give them power beyond measure, knowing absolute power corrupts absolutely, especially coupled with unaccountability. No one is infallible or unaccountable in the Kingdom of God. It is dangerous when the speaker or leader becomes the focus of our attention instead of the message's author! Christian speakers and leaders are merely vessels who communicate God's Word. Exalting them because of the message they proclaim instead of the author of the message is a misunderstanding of their purpose. It is the message-giver, not the messenger, who has to receive our adoration! When leaders fall, it hurts us and the cause of Christ more, and in a way, everyone is responsible!
My friend, we must guard ourselves against hero-worship, for it is a form of idolatry. We have to check their message and the lifestyle of the messengers with biblical standards. Remember, our identification and loyalty belong only to Jesus Christ and His message, never to the messenger!
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