Christmas is here! All of us prepare for Christmas. We take out the decorations, clean the house, bake cakes and prepare for Christmas! Not only that. We buy clothes for ourselves and others too. Earlier, we used to send greeting cards, but now no one sends cards. People send only WAP forwards! Preparation is essential. My sister-in-law had prepared a questionnaire of introspection for our year-end prayer a few days back. It had many questions about relationships, not only with the spouse but also with brothers, sisters, and the people around us. It also had questions about our focus for the New Year. It is not about the questions, but the idea of introspection challenged my heart. It is important that we spend time in introspection since it clearly shows where we need to change! I believe a changed heart is a great way to prepare for Christmas!
Christmas is not about Santa Claus or Christmas trees. Christmas is about Christ! It is His birthday we celebrate. Jesus was born in Bethlehem two thousand years ago as a baby to be our Saviour! Jesus was born for just that one reason. Jesus was born to be our Saviour. We have the promise of eternal life in heaven because of Jesus. We go from one Yuletide function to the other, never pausing to seriously reflect through the accounts of Matthew and Luke. Jesus taught us the importance of preparation using the Parable of the Ten virgins (Matthew 25:1-13). Jesus called the five virgins who prepared diligently with extra oil to keep their lamps burning as 'wise.' The foolish virgins did not prepare for the eventuality of the bridegroom being late. Those foolish virgins lost the opportunity of being with the bridegroom! The Lord Jesus is coming again as King. How can we prepare to receive a King? We should prepare with repentance. Get right with God and others. Prepare with simplicity. Do not focus on yourself but focus on others and the less fortunate. Prepare with worship. Set aside time to worship privately and communally.
My friend, slow down and prepare. Meeting a King needs preparation. Jesus came to bring hope, joy, peace, and forgiveness. A changed heart and a transformed life is the best preparation to meet Him.
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