Questions to God!

Aug 02, 2022 By Hephzibah Stephen

Sometimes our hearts are filled with questions.  We want to know why God is doing something or not doing something the way we expect!  Last week we had been to our daughter-in-law's parent's place to celebrate her father's seventy-fifth birthday, and God chose to call him home just a day before his birthday.  It was so shocking.  Our hearts are filled with questions when we go through physical and emotional pain.  It is natural, and it is not wrong to pose those questions to God.  When we go through acute financial crisis, our hearts are filled with questions!  Why me?  Why now?  Will I ever come out of this?  God, where are You?  These are some questions that cloud our minds.  God does answer our prayers and questions, but sometimes they may not be how we would like it to be or easy for us to understand! 

Prophet Habakkuk, too had questions for God.   He looked at the social injustice, idolatry, and immorality prevalent in Judah and asked God why He allowed Judah to continue in sin like that.  Habakkuk was confused when God said He was raising the Babylonians to teach Judah a lesson.  It was not the answer Habakkuk expected.  So he asked God his second question,  why would God use a nation far more sinful than Judah to correct Judah?  God answered, "But the just shall live by his faith" (Habakkuk 2:4).  That was not the answer Habakkuk expected!  And there is our lesson for today!  We may not understand why specific problems and trials are troubling us today.  No matter how severe the tribulation, Habakkuk understood that he should never stop trusting God.  Habakkuk was confident that God would show mercy to those who trusted Him.  Finally, Habakkuk confesses that even when all the fruit, produce, flocks, and herds are destroyed, and his very life is threatened, he will rejoice in God (Hab. 3:17-19).  The just shall live by his faith means trusting God no matter what! 

My friend,  whatever may be the situation, the just shall live by faith, for the Bible says, "… without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Heb. 11:6).  And God will reward our faith!

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