Remember Me!
The Bible has lots to say about both remembering and forgetting! It sounds like a paradox at the outset but both are very important for the human mind. There are many things that have to be forgotten by us just so we can exist! If we remember every hurt, every insult, and every betrayal we have suffered through the years, then we cannot even live! It will completely destroy us. You don’t need a psychiatrist to tell you that! Whereas, when we remember the good we have received from the people around us, it promotes a healthy mind, healthy body, and many healthy relationships. But the human mind is really a strange thing: it forgets all the good things in our life and remembers only the bad experiences!
The Israelites on their way to the promised land, when they faced problems, they remembered only the leeks and onions they had enjoyed in Egypt but forgot the hard taskmasters. They forgot how God parted the Red Sea and saved them from the Egyptians. They forgot how God provided water from a rock. They forgot how God provided manna for them every day. They forgot how God guided them with the pillar of fire at night and the pillar of cloud during the day. They remembered only the hardships and rebelled against God, thus losing their blessing!
Jesus, while establishing the Holy Communion, specifically told the disciples to remember Him (1 Cor. 11:25). What are we called to ‘remember’ about Jesus when we participate in the Holy Communion? We are called to remember that Jesus took our place on that Cross. We are called to remember that He died for our sins. We are called to remember that we are made righteous only because of the blood that was shed on that Cross (Rom 5:8, 10).
My friend, if we truly remember the supreme sacrifice of Jesus every single time we walk up the aisle to the Table of the Lord, then we cannot live in sin. It is because we participate in Holy Communion as a ritual, we continue willfully in sin. Whatever may be the sin in our lives, it is a warning for us today for the Bible says,” whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord”(1 Cor. 11:27).
Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 21st August 2018 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 21st August 2018Leave a comment
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