Ruth, the Moabitess!
As I was reading the Bible in my quiet time, when I came to the book of Ruth in the Old Testament, one question suddenly popped into my mind. All I was reading was the history of the Jewish people. And suddenly there appears the story of not a Jewess but a Gentile! Why did the Holy Spirit include the story of a Gentile woman in Jewish history?
There are, I believe, some reasons behind it.
From the time of the fall, God’s plan of redemption included all of Mankind. The priceless salvation was not reserved just for the Jews. It was for all!
The time of Ruth was the time of Judges and it was a period that dominated by the apostasy of Israel, the chosen people of God. And as a stark contrast, we see the faith of a gentile woman in the God of Israel! Everyone can call upon the God of the Bible!
The Moabites were not to come into the Assembly of God even up to the 10th Generation due to the two sins mentioned in Deut.23:3,4. But God chose a Moabitess for the messianic line!! No one is beyond the mercy of God.
When you begin to read the story of Ruth, it looks like a complete failure. Ruth’s life was completely broken. Even complete failures can become complete victories, if God is in the midst of it!
We all need to hear this;
We all need to believe this and
we all have to be encouraged by this.
We see Ruth in her widowhood and in the midst of her troubles, confessing her faith “… your God shall be my God…” (Ruth 1:16). God does not care whether it is a Jewess or a Moabitess. God is not concerned with our past sins. He is concerned only about our hearts and our faith today!
My friend, do not be discouraged thinking about your past. Do not be crippled by the events of the present. If you truly believe Jesus is the Lord of your life, confess it with faith, with all your heart, mind and soul. Our God is merciful and is always ready to help everyone who calls on His name.
The Lord will change your mourning into joy just as He transformed the life of Ruth.
Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 2nd August 2017 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 2nd August 2017Leave a comment
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