Seated on the Throne!

Jul 14, 2020 By Hephzibah Stephen

Uzziah ruled as king of Judah for fifty-two years (2 Chronicles 26).  His reign marked the height of Judah's power. The army of King Uzziah was well organized and well equipped.  Special machinery that launched arrows and hurled large stone defended the walls of Jerusalem. Uzziah fought successfully against other nations and expanded the kingdom.  He constructed strong fortifications and dug many wells. Being a man given to farming, Uzziah possessed herds of cattle and even reclaimed the desert areas by water conservation. Isaiah was born and raised during the reign of King Uzziah, and at Uzziah's death, Isaiah experienced a deep sense of loss and fear for his nation's future.  When Isaiah began to fear for his country, he went into the temple to pray.  The Lord revealed Himself in a vision to him. He saw the Lord, sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple (Isaiah 6:1).   

We have our own 'King Uzziah is dead' moments when we look at the current affairs.  Democracy is under attack.  Justice is under attack. The economy is under attack. The free press is under attack. Our borders are under attack.  The common man is under attack.  And everyone is under attack by Covid-19!  Can things ever be worse than this?   Uzziah was no longer on his throne, but remember that the Lord is on His!  Seeing the Lord on His throne in all His glory, attended by the Seraphim, should strengthen us to face our life at this critical time.

Isaiah had to go into God's presence and wait on Him to receive this vision.  When Isaiah saw the angels,  they were singing one of heaven's worship songs. "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory. (Isaiah 6:3)"  From where we are, we are unable to understand how the earth is filled with His glory now.  But the angels give us a different perspective. The angels saw the glory of God.  The angels saw God's sovereignty. Every one of us has to be able to say, 'In the year COVID-19 struck…I saw the Lord.'

My friend, take heart.  Our Lord reigns!  Do not be discouraged! Let faith arise in our hearts.  Let God's Word and His Spirit lift us so that our spiritual eyes can see the Lord in control. God is at work.  Let us rest in His sovereignty.   He will do what is best for us!

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