Sun of Righteousness!
The Old Testament ends with a description of the day of the Lord, where those who have rejected God's gift of salvation will face a fiery judgment. But it does not end there! The Lord gives an encouraging word to the little remnant of believers, who fear His Name! The people of God who fear and reverence His name have the assurance that the Day of the Lord will be one that ushers in the sunshine of God's eternal love. The Bible says, "But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves (Malachi 4:2)." They are likened to young calves who leap and skip with joy and free abandon. Gracious forgiveness, joy, peace, and healing is the portion for those who fear the Lord. So then, how can we become a person that fears God?
We come across this phrase, 'fear of the Lord' or variations of it, over and over again throughout scripture. What is it to fear the Lord? Is it to be afraid of God? No! It is not slavish fear or fear of punishment. The fear of the Lord is the fear of a loving child or a dutiful servant. It is such a reverence for God that the desire to please Him grips the one who fears God. When a man fears the Lord, he will turn from sin and desire to live a holy life. When a man fears the Lord, he will desire to obey Him in everything. When a man fears the Lord, he will shun evil and the wicked ways of the evil one. One of the greatest truths of the Word of God is that the people of God have a future. Those who fear the Lord have a future! Our future is not in the economy or the Government. Irrespective of who is ruling the country, our future is the Lord of Hosts. Jeremiah 17:7 says, "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD."
My friend, whatever may be our situation today, when we fear the Lord, our future is secure in the Lord. The Bible says, "Many sorrows shall be to the wicked; but he who trusts in the LORD, mercy shall surround him." (Psalm 32:10). May the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings!
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