Sustaining Grace!

Apr 18, 2023 By Hephzibah Stephen

We begin to read a book but do not finish it.  We start a needlework project but do not complete it.  We create a fitness regime but do not stick with it and finish.  We have all been there and we know how that feels!  Many will be at the starting point of a marathon, but at the finish line, only a few appear.  Many left the land of Egypt, but only two entered Canaan. Many will have similar experiences.  The Bible says, "… He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Philippians 1:6).  Whatever God starts, He finishes!  God began the creation work, and He finished.  God planned a way for our salvation, and He finished it on the Cross.  Our God is a finisher!  Finishing is just as important as starting something.  

What does 'finishing' mean in our lives?  It means that we get saved one day, but our sanctification is a lifelong process.  God does not want us to remain where we were when the Lord saved us.  He wants us to be sanctified and become more like Him.  We do not become "sanctified" all at once.  It happens a little at a time, gradually, every day, as we follow Christ.  It is a lifelong process.  God is overseeing our sanctification process.  He began that good work in us, so we have to trust this process to Him.  That does not mean we do not have a part to play in that process.  We need to work with Him actively to achieve our sanctification.  We must be sure that we learn from the Word of God every day, pray, and sincerely obey His Word.  God is the only one who can help us.  He is the only one with the strength to sustain us in this process of sanctification.  

My friend, no matter where we are in our life journey today, God's grace will sustain us if we allow it.  God does not walk away.  He will not quit on us.  Our heavenly Father is a finisher and will finish the good work He began in us!

Through many dangers, toils, and snares

I have already come.

This grace that brought me safe thus far

And grace will lead me home!

                                    Amazing Grace by John Newton

His amazing grace will sustain us and help us finish our race well!

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