Teachings by the Lord!
When a baby is born, everyone quickly tries to see who the baby resembles, the father or the mother. If you say that the baby looks like the mother, then the mother is happy, and if you say that the baby looks like the father, then the father beams with pride. As the child grows, we try to identify even traits. We say the child is stubborn like someone or sings well like someone else and so on. When I tell that I write and have a blog, those who knew my mother will immediately say, 'your mother used to write, and your grandmother has published books; so, you are also writing!' We want our children to inherit our good qualities and not our bad traits. It is quite scary to read Isaac repeating the mistake of Abraham (Gen 20:2; 26:7). We do not want our children to repeat the mistakes we have done in our lives!
The names of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are grouped many times in the Bible. God declared Himself as the 'God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.' Isaac lived the longest dying at 180 years of age, but very little is written of him while many chapters are devoted to the lives of Abraham and Jacob. These three patriarchs were all very different men. Isaac was a shadow of his father Abraham and also his son Jacob. A commentator, Dr. Griffith Thomas says, Isaac, was the ordinary son of a great father, and the ordinary father of a great son. He says that sort of thing will inevitably occur while men are spiritually born from above, not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will but of God. That is why we see children from abusive homes, being good fathers and mothers and children of parents who had lived the bad life living Godly lives! They are spiritually born from above. And there lies our hope!
My friend, the Bible says in Isaiah 54:13, says, "All your children shall be taught by the LORD…." Let us claim that promise for every one of our children and grandchildren so that they will grow up to be like Jesus; a wild vine grafted to the True Vine. John 15:5 says, "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit…"That way, they will be taught of the Lord and will live glorifying God!
Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 28th August 2019 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 28th August 2019