The Abundant Life!

Oct 19, 2021 By Hephzibah Stephen

There are many songs in which ‘crossing river Jordan’ is likened to dying and going to heaven.  A song written by the Booth Brothers says, 

Just beyond the river Jordan

There my Saviour’s face, I’ll see.
Just beyond the river Jordan                                                

A better life is waiting me.

What we read in the book of Joshua, in the land they were going to possess, the Promised Land, there were wars to be fought, enemies to be subdued and victories to be won!  None of these exist in heaven!  I believe until we are saved, we wander through the wilderness and enter a life of blessedness when we are saved.  Salvation is the beginning of that new life.  In the life of a believer, we are called to subdue our self, overcome sin, and follow Christ to inherit the promised abundant life.  God has not left us alone but has given us His Word and the Holy Spirit so that we can actually lead a victorious life here on earth.  What then is the main key to live a victorious life here on earth?

If we read the scripture carefully, until the Israelites reached the shores of Jordan, the pillar of fire went before them . It was God Himself leading the way!  And the Ark of Covenant was carried in the middle of the camp. You can read about the order of breaking camp in Numbers 10:14-25.  But at river Jordan, there is no mention of the Pillar of Fire.  Here Joshua was instructed to send the Ark first carried by the Priests. The Ark housed the Commandments of God.  Why the Commandments of God are given priority at this point in the life of the Israelites is because in our life as a believer, obedience to the Word of God  is of paramount importance.  A believer cannot live life, take decisions, or conduct business apart from the Word of God, the Bible!  Only when we obey victory can be won as seen from the fall of Jericho.  Every disobedience is going to bring us defeat as seen from the battle for the city of Ai!

My friend, to inherit the abundant victorious life here on planet earth, obedience to the Word is the most important thing.  Many times, almost always, we never understand why God is asking us to do something. But we are called to 'trust and obey' because Jeremiah 29:11 says, "all His plans for us are for our good".  May the Lord help us!

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