The Amazing Grace!
Our daughter in law had put together a write-up on 'Grace' to teach our two granddaughters about being kind, tolerant, and forgiving towards one another! They are just 10 and 8 but still, I guess, it is never too early to understand Grace, or to try living it out! She had brought out how we can live out the Grace which we have received unconditionally in such abundance from the Cross of Jesus in everyday living. She had said that we can show Grace by looking after the needs of others. We can show Grace by keeping short accounts; by forgiving; by accepting everyone and by being the first to say sorry. It touched my heart, afresh! As adults, we think we know all about Grace, but many times we forget the Grace we have received at the Cross in our everyday dealings with others.
We are saved by Grace. No doubt about that! But the Grace of God does not stop at our salvation. In Galatians chapter 5, Paul lists love and kindness as two of the fruits that should be seen in a believer's life through the influence of the Holy Spirit. Goodness, mercy, and love are part of what it means to be a Christian. They are part of the evidence of the Holy Spirit's work in a person's life. Grace is not condoning sin or ignoring its consequences. The erring person has to be confronted with love into getting rid of the sin that is hurting that person and all their loved ones. Grace is accepting the sinner but forgiving the wrongs committed against us. Grace is trying to see the other person's point of view, standing in his or her shoes. Aware of our inbuilt resistance to Grace, Jesus talked about Grace often. Jesus saw Grace everywhere. All of creation revealed His Grace to mankind. Jesus described a world filled with God's Grace, where the sun shined, and rain fell on people good and evil and where birds gathered seeds without plowing or harvesting.
My friend, we live in a world where one is expected to earn their keep and prove their merit. Living out the Grace is hard and impossible without God's help, but we will be successful when we learn to depend on God and make an earnest attempt. It is sad to see many families stand divided on petty issues. Let us begin by making an effort to restore our relationships.
Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 18th June 2019 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 19th June 2019Leave a comment
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