The Challenge of His Call!

Mar 29, 2022 By Hephzibah Stephen

The call of the Lord comes at unexpected times.  Matthew was at the booth collecting taxes (Mt 9:10) when he got the call.  Prophet Amos was a shepherd in Tekoa in Judah (Amos 1:1).  Saul of Tarsus was on his way to Damascus to persecute the Christians when he got the call.  The call of the Lord came to unexpected people.  One would expect the Lord to call the Levites, the scribes, and the priests.  But God called the sinners and the uneducated.  Mary Magdalene became the first evangelist bearing the good news of resurrection!  (Mt 28:7).  The call of the Lord always called people out of their comfort zones.  The call came to Mary to be the mother of Jesus while she was a virgin engaged to be married.  The call came to Moses to talk to the Pharaoh not when he was in the palace but when he was in the wilderness shepherding Jethro's sheep.  The call came to Simon Peter, and Andrew while casting their nets into the sea of Galilee.

The call of the Lord always requires a response.  The disciples responded by leaving whatever they were doing and following Jesus.  Abraham responded by leaving Ur with his family into the unknown.  Paul responded by becoming the champion of the faith across Asia Minor.  Jesus called the rich young man (Mark 10:21) to follow Him after selling his possessions and giving them away to the poor, but he sadly responded by walking away. Whenever we think of His 'call', the only thing that comes to mind is being called into 'full-time ministry'.  If we understand His call and its challenges, we will know that it is much more than just 'being' in ministry!  While some are called apostles, prophets, and teachers empowered with different gifts (1 Cor 12:28), everyone is called to live a holy life; every believer is called a saint (Rom 1:7, 1 Cor 1:2).  Everyone is called to be Ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor 5:20), and the great commission (Acts 2:8) is for all! 

My friend, how is God's call challenging you today?  Is His call challenging you to surrender your life and become His son or daughter?  Or is His call challenging you to lead a sanctified life, a life of holiness, integrity, and honesty?  Or is His call challenging you into a life of service?  His call can be unsettling.  His call can be pulling us out of our comfort zones.  But His call always requires a response.  What is your response today?

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