The Crossroads!
We have all been at crossroads in our lives at some point. In 1997, while working in HTL, I got an offer from my husband's cousin to start a company in India. Leaving a secure job was a big decision, and I asked God for a sign. God granted the sign I prayed for, and that decision later paved the way for registering another company in 1999 (EC Group Datasoft Private Ltd.) with an American partner! The company is doing well after 21 years! Looking back, I can only praise God. I am not suggesting that we have to ask for a sign from God for every decision! When we are at crossroads, we must wait on the Lord, pray and seek His will and guidance well before we decide to take action!
Judah refused to repent even after the fall of Israel, and God sent warnings through Jeremiah. Jeremiah 6:16 says, "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." This advice is good even now, just as it was many centuries ago: Stand, Look, Ask and then Walk in it! Sometimes standing still makes us feel as though we are wasting time. But the Bible says those who wait on the Lord shall soar like eagles! We have to learn to be still in God's presence before He lifts us! Next, we have to look at what God is doing in our life at the moment to discern God's guidance. God speaks to us through our circumstances too. The next step is asking where the good way is about seeking counsel, not just from human beings but from God as revealed in His Word! If we genuinely seek God's will and His way, God will guide us. We should not allow our emotions to cloud God's direction! After seeking God's guidance, it is of no value if we do not obey and walk in it, and then we cannot find rest for our souls!
My friend, seeking God's guidance is essential! David Peach, Director of Deaf Ministries, TN, USA talks about a 'Doubt Principle' that if we are unsure whether an activity is right or wrong, we should abstain from doing it. The Lord has promised to instruct and teach us in the way we should go and guide us with His eye (Psalm 32:8).
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