The Door was Shut!

Nov 23, 2021 By Hephzibah Stephen

Advent is when we remember the birth of Jesus as Savior of Mankind and prepare ourselves for His second coming as the Judge!  It is appropriate to celebrate thanksgiving around this time since we are thankful for Jesus' sacrifice assuring us of the forgiveness of sins.  Jesus prepared His disciples then and us now for His second coming.  Jesus explained His second coming through many parables. Every Parable did not cover ALL aspects of His second coming, but every Parable highlighted something. The Parable of the ten virgins stressed being ready, ready for the arrival of Christ as King. (Mt. 25: 1-11).  All the ten virgins were special. All had wedding garments on. All had lighted lamps, and all of them slept while waiting. So what was the difference between the wise ones and the foolish ones? Let us try and understand what the Lord was teaching through this Parable.

At the outset, it looks as if the wise virgins were selfish. When the Bridegroom suddenly arrived, the foolish ones tried to borrow some oil which the wise ones refused. The Bible says while the foolish virgins went to buy oil, the Bridegroom arrived, and those who were ready went in with Him to the wedding, and then the door was shut!  Afterward, the other virgins came, but the Lord said, "Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you." (Matthew 25:11).  The foolish virgins lost the opportunity of going to the wedding with the Bridegroom.  What a tragic end to a beautiful life!

Some things in life can never be borrowed! The salvation experience of our parents cannot take us to heaven. We can never learn faith by relying on another person. We can never borrow the fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, and peace. We can never borrow holiness. God gives us opportunities to prepare us for His second coming, but we throw them away. 

Every temptation is an opportunity to take a stand.

Every problem is an opportunity to draw closer to God.

Every sickness is an opportunity to exercise our faith.

Every trial we go through cleanses us and makes us worthy.

Every new day is an opportunity to change for the better.

Our life itself is an opportunity to prepare our hearts and minds diligently for once the door is shut, it cannot be opened! 

My friend, are you ready to receive Christ, the King?  Remember, some things in life can never be borrowed!

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