The Dry Bones Live!

Jun 06, 2017 By Hephzibah Stephen

Long time back, I heard a Pastor speak from Ezekiel Chapter 37, in an engagement. It was an unusual passage for an engagement! He pointed out that, in the valley of dry bones, when all the bones started getting together, they did not randomly join together. Each bone joined with the right bone in the right skeleton. Probably this accounted for the rattling sound!! ( Eze 37:7). In the English Bible we read it as, “… the bones came together, bone to bone”. In Tamil Bible it is written as,“…ஒவ்வொரு எலும்பும் தன்தன் எலும்போடே சேர்ந்துகொண்டது .” 
So the Pastor concluded, that the bride and the groom of that day had looked all around and found the right bone to be joined in holy matrimony!

It was an interesting thought, no doubt. As I thought about it more and more, it occurred to me that however we may ‘look’ or ‘search’, most of the times, we never find the ‘right’ person. People from two different families, with different backgrounds and different bringing-up are brought together and are expected to live happily ever after! In reality, every marriage goes through an adjustment phase. And at the end of it some marriages become like the “dried bones”.

it is not actually the coming together of the ‘right’ persons but becoming the ‘right’ person that makes a marriage harmonious! It is easily said than done! Unless the Lord builds a home, it is impossible to make a marriage harmonious! It takes a lot of commitment and effort by both the husband and the wife

Even after many years of being together, sometimes we may find ourselves as dry as the bones in that valley! But just as the breath of God made the bones come back to life, the Lord can make us full of life too, if we come to His throne of Grace.

My friend, every new day is an opportunity to make our marriage blossom. Let the bygones be bygones. Let us forgive each other and start all over again! It is never too late. Finding the right person is a myth. But becoming the right person is the answer. With God’s help, it is possible!

Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 7th June 2017 Share: newsletter

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