The Emmaus Road!

Apr 10, 2018 By Hephzibah Stephen

When we read about the disciples on the Emmaus road in Luke 24:13-33, what impresses us most is the condition of the disciples! They present a very dismal picture; a picture of doubt, defeat, and discouragement. The disciples Cleopas and his friend had been hoping that Jesus would redeem Israel. But instead, Jesus had been crucified! Their hopes of restoration had been completely dashed and now they were confused beyond measure because some women of their group claimed that Jesus was not in the tomb and that He was alive!

The Emmaus road is about the disappointed, the discouraged, and the disillusioned people. It is about those whose expectations have gone unmet. It is about those who are being crushed by life’s circumstances. Surely all of us have walked that road one time or another in our life. Times of sickness, times of financial crises, loss of a loved one or loss of a job, shatters us. We find ourselves alone in the valley of tears.

When Jacob left his home on that long journey to Padan Aram, leaving behind his mother and father and everything he had known in his life till then, he must have felt very lonely and even afraid. There was nothing to comfort Jacob. But we find his confession in Gen 28:16 "Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it." The Lord was with him even in his lonesome journey!

The disciples on the Emmaus road did not recognize Jesus for "their eyes were kept from recognizing him." At our deepest hour of trial, we may not even feel His presence! But the truth is that Jesus is with us. The lesson we learn from the disciples on the Emmaus road is this: when we think we are all alone, we are not. Jesus is there with us, walking with us!

My friend, if you are on the Emmaus road now — the road of hopelessness and helplessness—take heart. Encourage yourself in the Lord for Jesus never forsakes us or leaves us. Jesus walks with us all the way!

Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 10th April 2018 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 11th April 2018

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