The Five Treasures
Pastor Isaac of St. Peter's Church, Semmenpet, Chennai is a very dear man of God who visits us without fail on our birthdays and wedding anniversary. Every time he comes, he will bring a Word from God. This time when he visited us, he spoke to us about five treasures that a man must seek in this life. They were Jesus, the Bible, the Church, a righteous man's home and of course heaven. Without accepting Jesus there is no way to heaven for Jesus said that He is the way. The church is the fellowship of believers. The Bible says in 2 Tim 3:16,"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness". I thought these four treasures were very obvious but the 5th one was very perplexing to me. Then the Lord Himself made me understand the importance of a Godly home!
Every relationship is initiated by God. But of all the relationships, God chose to liken His relationship with His children to that of a bride and groom. The Church or those redeemed by His blood are called His bride. Does not this very analogy teach us something very important about marriage and the relationship between the husband and wife? A Godly home where love rules is actually heaven on earth. It does not mean that there will not be any misunderstanding or hard words. If the foundation of a marriage is love then there will be forgiveness, adjustment, and selfless acts of sacrifice on both sides. The challenges faced by them then actually strengthen the marriage. If the foundation is not love the same challenges will destroy the marriage. When the children are brought up in a Godly home, they are better equipped to face the challenges of their own lives. Such a home is truly heaven on earth!
In reality, very few marriages are heavenly. We may be going to the same church; we may live in the same house; we may sleep on the same bed. Our bodies may even touch each other but our hearts do not meet! Such marriages are like the railway track; always together but never meeting! What a pity if our marriage is like that. There is no use regretting in the last days of our life.
My friend, if your marriage is not a foretaste of heaven, seek help. Have honest and open discussions with your spouse. It is always better late than never. May God give us the courage to face facts and effect changes so that our homes will be transformed!
Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 8th November 2018 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 8th November 2018Leave a comment
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