The Heart of Barnabas
Some time back I was asked to preach on the text from Acts 11:19-30. As I read the passage and meditated on it, one person stood out and that person was Barnabas. When the news of a number of people from Antioch believing in the Lord Jesus came to the church in Jerusalem, they sent Barnabas to discern what God was doing in the lives of the new believers. When Barnabas saw the grace of God in their lives, he encouraged them in their new faith. ‘Barnabas’ means “son of consolation or son of encouragement” (Acts 4:36).
Barnabas played a major role in the life of Paul. When the newly converted Saul/Paul came to the Christians at Jerusalem, they fearfully avoided him. But Barnabas took Paul and brought him to the apostles and spoke up for him (Acts 9:27). Barnabas played a major role in the life of John Mark too. John Mark accompanied Barnabas and Saul on the first missionary journey but departed early for Jerusalem (Acts 13:13). When Barnabas and Paul were planning their second journey, Barnabas wanted to take John Mark, but Paul opposed the idea. Consequently, Barnabas took John Mark, and Paul took Silas and the two groups went their separate ways (Acts 15). But after Barnabas gave his cousin a second chance, Paul was later able to call John Mark a co-worker who was helpful to his ministry.
Failures, sins, and missing the mark are part and parcel of a life of faith. As Paul went to Tarsus in discouragement and John Mark returned to Jerusalem in disgrace, we also experience defeat in various ways. We all need a second chance and a real brother like Barnabas to help us believe that we can live a life of faith again. A kingdom with no place for a Saul or a John Mark is a kingdom with no place for anyone at all! We do not hear about Barnabas again but Paul went on to become an apostle to the Gentiles writing 13 letters out of 27 books in NT and John Mark went on to write the second Gospel.
My friend, I was challenged by the life of Barnabas. I believe each one of us is called to a ministry of encouragement. From time to time God brings different people into our lives with different needs; emotional, physical, and prayer needs. The ministry of encouragement must surely start with a heart like Barnabas’. My prayer today is that God will give us a heart like Barnabas!
Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 5th June 2018 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 6th June 2018Leave a comment
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