The Kite on a String

May 22, 2017 By Hephzibah Stephen

A kite was flying high. As she soared above the treetops, she looked down on the house tops and smiled in glee. She felt the tug on her string and she thought if only she was not restrained by that string, how much higher she could fly! She felt she could even fly over the moon! What the kite did not realize was that without that string holding her, she could not be flying at all and if the string snapped at some point, then she would have crashed and come to nothing. All those who have flown kites know this to be true!

I heard this story many years ago, on our 20th wedding anniversary from (Late) Rev. Bramwell. I do not remember the text on which he preached that day but this story has stuck with me ever since.

Many times, we think we are being restrained by our situation. We think our spouses restrict us. We think our job restricts us or our bank balance restricts us. I believe every restriction is God’s way of working on us!

When a grain of sand or any other irritating substance, gets stuck between the oyster's mantle and shell, the oyster secretes a shiny substance. It is this substance that coats the grain of sand over time, forming a lustrous pearl!

God is not interested in giving us an easy life. He is interested in working on us to make us worthy of higher things. He wants to make us as lustrous as the pearl. Every obstacle is the Lord working on us. It is the restriction we have had or the irritation we have endured that teaches us to look to God for strength and support. That is how we are transformed, looking at the Lord, from an ugly particle of sand to a shining pearl.

My friend, I can say I will not be what I am today if it had not been for the restrictions and restraints in my life and I thank God for every one of them.

Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 24th May 2017 Share:

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