The Little Foxes!
I have heard many sermons preached on the life of Daniel. Daniel's life is a model for us in many ways. In the book of Daniel, angel Gabriel specifically told Daniel that he was "greatly beloved." It made me ponder about what made him so loved by God. As I started reading the book of Daniel, one phrase stopped me in my tracks. The Bible says in Daniel 1:8 that "Daniel purposed in his heart" that he would not defile himself with the king's delicacies. Here was Daniel in Babylon, taken as a captive by Nebuchadnezzar as a young man. Even under such a trying predicament, "Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself," that means he had decided to obey God come what may. That decision governed his whole life in that heathen land. No wonder he was addressed as "greatly beloved!"
The Bible scholars tell us that Daniel and his friends considered the king's food defiled for at least three reasons. First, it undoubtedly was not kosher. Second, it could have come from food sacrificed to idols. Third, eating the king's food implied fellowship with Babylon's cultural system. Daniel did not object to the Babylonian name given to him because he knew who he was and did not care what others called him. Daniel did not object to the Babylonian education because he knew what he believed. But Daniel did object to the food from the king's table because eating it was direct disobedience to God's Word. We see Daniel making a big fuss over a seemingly little thing!
Significantly, the root of sin goes back to disobedience to God's Word! Sin always starts with small deviations and acts of disobedience to the Word. When small sins are not addressed immediately, little by little sin will trap the person into a life of sin! Obeying God in little things paves the way for obedience in critical issues. The Bible says in Song of Solomon 2:15 that the little foxes spoil the vines with tender grapes! In the Kingdom of God, everything matters. Daniel understood that his relationship with God touched every area of his life, including what he ate. The only way to live a life pleasing to God is to be faithful in little things. The only way to be called the beloved of God is to be faithful in little things.
My friend, living a life pleasing to the Lord, starts with our heart's decision to obey the Word in every situation. May the Lord help us to so purpose in our hearts so that we will be called 'beloved' by God.
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