The Lord is Risen!
If there is one message that is central to the Gospel that is so vital that it simply cannot be ignored, it is the good news of the resurrection of Christ. Indeed, Jesus is risen! We celebrate the resurrection every Sunday, for that is the reason why Christians from the earliest times switched to meet on Sundays rather than Saturdays like the Jews. The early church would gather every Sunday before the dawn because Christ rose early on a Sunday morning! Jesus had died for our sins, and now He was being raised up for our justification (Romans 4:25). What does it mean for you and me? It means that our sins have been dealt with and that we are made morally clean before God as if we have never sinned. The resurrection is the one thing that gives us hope. For if Christ has been raised, then as Paul says we, too, shall be raised with Him.
Sometimes we go through life feeling miserable. We feel powerless to say ‘no' to the sins that corrupt and entangle us. We feel defeated by the issues we face daily. We feel challenged by our close relationships. If this is our experience, then we are far from living life to the full as God intended it to be. But the good news is that the power that brought Jesus up from the grave is available to every believer to live a life of victory over sin!
Sin does not win — Jesus does!
Death does not win — Jesus does!
We are born again, with a new beginning, with the old behind us, including our fears and our guilt. We have hope for the future that goes beyond grace. We have hope for our present life that transforms and empowers us when we have a relationship with Jesus. We can know and love Him even though we do not see Him with our human eyes. The God who moved the stone is here with us to move our stones!
My friend, what are you struggling with today? Is it a sin? Is it negative thoughts or is it health issues? Whatever may be the stone you are struggling with today the risen Lord is moving it for you. The victory is yours when you put your trust in Jesus.
Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 23rd April 2019 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 24th April 2019Leave a comment
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