The Lord is there!

Feb 27, 2018 By Hephzibah Stephen

When we go on road or train trips, we anxiously look forward to towns that are famous for something special and we try to get them. Tirunelveli always brings to mind it’s very own halwa and Kadambur reminds us of boli! While Dindukkal brings hill bananas to our mind, Manapparai reminds us of murukku. We remember places by association!

In the book of prophet Ezekiel when we come to the end of the book, Ezekiel writes about a new city which he saw in a vision. But he keeps the name of the city secret till the last verse! Ezekiel 48:35 says, “…and the name of the city from that day shall be: Jehovah Shammah, THE LORD IS THERE”. The name of the place itself denotes the Presence of the Lord! Why is it so significant? Ezekiel in his earlier vision had seen the glory of God departing from the Temple (chapters 10-11). But now the Shekinah Glory has returned and very name of the new city describes His indwelling Presence!

As believers, we are the Temple of the Lord! The Bible says in 2 Cor 6:16, “… you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: ‘I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people.’” When I thought about this more and more, the question that popped up in my mind was, do the people around us associate the living Presence of our Lord with each one of us? Can the people around us look at us and say, ‘Yes, the Lord is there?’ Many times, the decisions we take do not reflect His Presence. The way we live does not glorify God and our character does not reflect Christ-like qualities!

The Knowledge of the indwelling Presence of God should compel us to fear and obey Him in everything. He is Emmanuel, God is with us. He has redeemed us by His precious blood which He shed upon the Cross of Calvary so that we may abide in Him and He in us. He has sent the Holy Spirit to guide and equip us. What more do we need to live a victorious Christian life?

My friend, take heart. The LORD is here with us. Let us decide to live lives that will bring glory and honour to Him so that the people around us can clearly see Christ living within us! His Presence abides with us always!

Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 27th February 2018 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 28th February 2018

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