The Lost Blessings

Aug 06, 2024 By Hephzibah Stephen

Bible Reading: John 14:15-24

God, in His wisdom, chose Israel to reveal Himself, and through them, He wanted to save the world.  God planned the salvation of mankind right in the book of Genesis (3:15), and we see the divine plan unfolding beautifully as we read the Scripture.  However, the people of God who participated in the divine plan did not know about God's final revelation or the final plan in their lifetime.  That is why the Lord expected them to walk by faith, not sight.  That is why Abraham was commended for his faith and obedience.  God promised a great deal of land to the children of Abraham even when he was childless.  We see the hand of the Lord at work as we read the story of the patriarchs as God multiplied them and made them into a great multitude.  As we visualize their deliverance from Egypt, we can see a multitude of slaves walking out, but God transformed them into a nation.  What an amazing God we have!  

Before entering the Promised Land, twelve spies were sent out to spy on Canaan.  We all know the story of how the people of Israel rebelled after ten of the twelve spies brought negative reports.  That was the moment they lost the blessing God had so thoughtfully and meticulously prepared and planned for them over many centuries.  As I thought about this more and more, it made me wonder about the blessings I might have lost due to my rebellious behavior!  They should have remembered the miraculous way by which God brought them out of Egypt.  They were swift to forget the miracles enjoyed by them earlier.  That is why gratitude, faith, and obedience are needed to inherit the blessings of God.  While every act of obedience takes us closer to what God has prepared for us, every act of rebellion and disobedience takes us away from it.  We will never know the blessings we have lost due to our disobedience while we are here on earth, just like the generation that perished in the wilderness.  Since our God is merciful and compassionate, He still makes something good out of our lives! 

My friend, remember God's goodness you have experienced in the past every day.  Obeying the Lord in everything and walking by faith are the only ways by which we can inherit and enjoy the blessings of God.  Jesus said he who loves Him would obey His commandments.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, help me to obey You in everything.  Help me trust You, always knowing Your plans for me are the best.  Amen.

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