The Man who stilled the water!

Jan 12, 2021 By Hephzibah Stephen

In the seventies, the Gospel pop song, 'Putting your hand in the hand of the Man who stilled the water' burst on the scene, and it became my favourite.  That song was written by Gene MacLellan and sung by the Canadian singer Anne Murray!  It goes like this:

Put your hand in the hand of the Man who stilled the water;

Put your hand in the hand of the Man who calmed the sea.

Take a look at yourself, and you can look at others differently,

By putting your hand in the hand of the Man from Galilee.

Stepping into the New Year, the best advice one can give is to recommend that you put your hand in the hand of the Man who stilled the water! But the question is, in reality, how do you do it?  When you choose to put your hand into His hand, you cannot walk in the ways of the world or according to the fleshly desires!  You will have to walk along with Him in obedience to His Word!  That is the only way possible!

Only by reading the Bible can we understand God's nature and the nature of His call upon our lives.  Instead of reading the Bible, people try many short-cuts.  People depend on preachers and evangelists to tell them what the Bible says on many life issues.  Living that way, they have no way of knowing whether a particular preacher's claim is right or wrong! Unless a Christian is always on guard,  he will be deceived. Jesus said, "watch out that no one deceives you." In Matthew 24, Jesus warned His disciples about deception three times in just 20 verses.  Jesus said that the deception would be so convincing that even the elect could be taken by it.  Jesus said that many will come in His name and will deceive many (Matthew 24:4-5).  We can save ourselves from this pit-fall only by diligently reading the Word!

My friend, may this New Year be one in which we commit to read and meditate the Word with utmost urgency.  Only when we understand what the Bible says about everyday issues we can choose to obey.  Let us put our hand in the hand of the Man who stilled the water and walk with Him so that we can experience His miracle-working power in our life!

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