The Master Key

Oct 30, 2018 By Hephzibah Stephen

I happened to read the book by Ronald Dunn on faith titled, "The House that Grace built". It ministered to my heart and I want to share it with you!

Dunn says that salvation is like a house built beside a busy highway. He was born on that highway and was following it to its destination. As time went on things became more difficult and the backpack that had been issued at the beginning had grown heavier. One day his attention was drawn to the side of the highway to a magnificently constructed house. Over its narrow front door, a sign announced ‘Whosoever Will May Enter and Find Rest'. Somehow, he realized that if he could reach the inside he would be saved from the highway and its destination. He tried the front door but, it was locked. Why would someone invite people in and then lock the door to keep them out? Suddenly a voice spoke his name. It was the Builder of the House. The Builder placed in his hand a key with one word carved on it: FAITH. Using that key, he was able to open the door! When he stepped in, the backpack fell off his shoulders. The Builder of the House welcomed him and said that everything in the house was now his to enjoy. This was the house that grace had built, and faith was the key.

Now he looked around and found that it was a house with many rooms. Each door had a name: Answered Prayer, Daily Victory, Every Need Supplied and so on. The row of doors promised some spiritual blessing, but all were locked. The foyer in which he stood was jammed with people. It seemed that everyone who entered the house stopped in the foyer. But he decided to enjoy everything the house promised! He tried every door, one by one but could not open even one! By this time, he had accumulated a bunch of keys - Doing our Best, Religious Activity, Sincerity and even the key of Tithing was useless. Then he heard the voice of the Builder again, ‘do you remember the key I gave you to enter my house? That key of Faith is the master key that unlocks every door in the house'.

My friend, our ‘faith' should lead us to obedience to the Word and faithfulness in our daily living. Then, that ‘faith' will become the master key to unlock the promised blessings for it is by faith we possess what grace provides. May the Lord help us!

Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 30th October 2018 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 31st October 2018

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