The Model!
The modeling industry is changing fast, but the principle behind being a model has stayed the same. A model represents a product or service of a Company. Models do not have the freedom to express what they feel or like. Models cannot appear in their clothes. They must 'put on' specific garments made in a particular way as the Company recommends. Models can never draw attention to themselves but must project only the 'product' or the 'service' they are called to represent. When we think of a Christian's life on this earth, this analogy of 'modeling' thoroughly explains it. Somebody said we are the 5th Gospel of Christ. As long as we live on this earth, we must 'reflect' Christ and only 'Christ'. People around us have to see 'Christ' in us. What a challenge!
Just like a model, we cannot attract attention to ourselves but give all the glory to Jesus. We cannot walk the ramp with our clothes, which are 'filthy rags,' but we have to 'put on' Christ. To be a model for the Master Designer Jesus, we have to rid ourselves of anger, rage, slander, filthy, languages and malaise, debaucheries, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry (I Peter: 4:3); sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like(Gal 5:19,20). But 'put on' compassion, forgiveness, gentleness, love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control ( Gal 5:22,23).
I heard this story from a preacher, which made great sense to me! When a teenager gave his life to Christ, the angels in heaven became extremely joyful, and the devils felt sad. One day, the devils decided to send thoughts and dreams about a girl. The boy could not resist and kept on thinking about her. The devils were very happy, but the angels were sad. However, the boy returned home and, feeling miserable, asked God to forgive him. The next day, again, the devils won him back for them, and in the evening, the boy asked God's forgiveness. The angels were perplexed and decided to ask the reason for this. The devils said, 'He has accepted Christ. So, he will finally ask God for forgiveness and go to heaven. But by yielding to us, we are ensuring he does not win anyone for Christ in his lifetime on earth!' How very true!
My friend, the devil wants us to live ineffective lives, lives that are not bringing glory to God, lives that are not leading people to Christ. Paul talks about the armor of God with which alone we can stand against the devil's schemes (Ephesians 6:10-18). Only by putting on this armor can we be a Model for the Lord!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, help us reflect Your Glory in and through our lives to lead the people around to You. Amen.
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