The Plan of God!
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 1:1-20
During Samuel's time, God was looking for someone to speak to the people on His behalf. During this period, people had not heard from God. The Bible says, "The word of the Lord was precious," which means it was scarce.
No one was open to God, and God needed a man to lead Israel during those desperate days.
Elkanah had two wives Hannah and Peninnah. Elkanah loved Hannah, but she was barren. Hannah, no doubt, had been praying for a son to give her husband for a long time. Yet, there was no answer to her prayer. One day out of desperation, Hannah said, if the Lord would just give her a son, she would raise him as a Nazarite and give him back to God all the days of his life ( 1 Samuel 1: 11).
God was waiting for such a commitment.
God was looking for a man whom He could use, and so when God brought Hannah around to this place of that commitment to God, He answered her prayer!
When our prayers are not answered immediately, we wonder why. If God delays the answer to our prayers, there is a reason for His delay.
The Bible says that we do not always know how to pray as we ought (Romans 8:26). We do not always know what is best for us or what is required to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives. Often the reason for the delay is to bring us around so that God can accomplish His plan in our lives.
God brought Hannah around to where God wanted her to accomplish His plan before answering her prayer.
My friend, do not be discouraged with unanswered prayers. Are you ready to allow God to fulfil His plan for your life? When God brings us into harmony with His plan and purpose, He will answer our prayers!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me trust You and commit myself to You so that You will fulfill Your plan and purpose in my life. Amen
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